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Discover the Shocking Fix for the Dreaded Error 0x0000008E!

Experiencing the Blue Screen of Death (BSoD) is every computer user’s nightmare. One such common and dreaded error is the 0x0000008E error, also known as the KERNEL_MODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED error. This blog post delves into the causes of this error and provides an exhaustive guide on how to fix it. Whether you’re an IT professional or a home user, this guide will equip you with the knowledge to troubleshoot and resolve the 0x0000008E error efficiently.

Table of Contents

  1. Understanding Error 0x0000008E
  2. Common Causes of Error 0x0000008E
  3. Step-by-Step Fix for Error 0x0000008E
  4. FAQs
  5. Conclusion

Understanding Error 0x0000008E

Error 0x0000008E is a stop error that triggers the infamous Blue Screen of Death. This error typically arises due to issues in the kernel mode, where a program or driver inadvertently accesses protected memory regions. The result is a system crash followed by the blue screen message.

Common Causes of Error 0x0000008E

Understanding the root causes of this error is crucial for effective troubleshooting. Here are some common culprits:

  • Faulty or Incompatible Hardware: New hardware installations or defective components can trigger this error.
  • Corrupted or Outdated Drivers: Drivers that are outdated, mismatched, or corrupted can cause this issue.
  • Malware or Virus Infections: Malicious software can damage or corrupt critical system files.
  • Software Conflicts: Conflicts between software programs, especially after new installations, may lead to this error.
  • Memory Issues: Faulty RAM modules are common causes of the 0x0000008E error.

Step-by-Step Fix for Error 0x0000008E

Follow these detailed steps to resolve the error:

1. Restart in Safe Mode

Booting your computer in Safe Mode can help isolate the issue:

  • Restart your computer.
  • Press F8 repeatedly before the Windows logo appears.
  • Select "Safe Mode" from the Advanced Boot Options menu.

2. Update or Roll Back Drivers

Ensuring your drivers are up-to-date can often resolve the issue:

  • Open "Device Manager."
  • Right-click on any device that has a yellow exclamation mark.
  • Select "Update Driver Software."

If the error began after a recent update, try rolling back to a previous driver version:

  • Right-click the problematic device.
  • Select "Properties" and go to the "Driver" tab.
  • Click "Roll Back Driver."

3. Scan for Malware and Viruses

Perform a comprehensive system scan using reputable antivirus software:

  • Open your antivirus program.
  • Run a full system scan.
  • Quarantine or remove any threats detected.

4. Check for Hardware Issues

Inspect your hardware connections and components:

  • Power off your computer and disconnect all external devices.
  • Check for loose cables or poorly seated components.
  • If possible, test your RAM using built-in diagnostic tools like Windows Memory Diagnostic.

5. Uninstall Conflicting Software

Remove any software that was installed prior to the error:

  • Go to "Control Panel."
  • Select "Programs and Features."
  • Uninstall recently added programs.

6. Perform a System Restore

Utilize System Restore to revert to a previous state where the system was functioning correctly:

  • Open "Control Panel" and select "Recovery."
  • Click "Open System Restore" and follow the prompts to choose a restore point.

7. Update Windows

Ensure your operating system has the latest updates and patches:

  • Go to "Settings" and select "Update & Security."
  • Click "Check for updates" and install any available updates.


Q: What if Safe Mode doesn’t resolve the issue?
A: If the issue persists in Safe Mode, it is likely hardware or OS corruption. Consider professional diagnostics.

Q: Can I prevent error 0x0000008E from occurring again?
A: Regularly update drivers, perform system scans, and maintain backups. Avoid installing unverified software.

Q: Is it safe to use third-party software for driver updates?
A: It’s generally safer to use the built-in update tools or download drivers directly from manufacturer’s websites.


Error 0x0000008E can be a daunting experience, but with proper understanding and systematic troubleshooting, it can be resolved efficiently. Whether the issue stems from hardware malfunction, driver incompatibility, or malware, the steps outlined above provide a comprehensive solution to get your system back on track.

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