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Fix the Dreaded Error 0x000000C5 in Minutes! Here’s How


If you’ve ever come across the Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) error 0x000000C5, you know how frustrating it can be. This error, also known as DRIVER_CORRUPTED_EXPOOL, indicates that a device driver is attempting to access a non-allocated memory address. As a seasoned expert in technology and computer troubleshooting, I have encountered this error numerous times. Here, I will walk you through the steps to resolve it quickly and efficiently.

Understanding Error 0x000000C5

The 0x000000C5 error typically occurs due to corrupt or incompatible device drivers. The system crashes when a driver tries to access a memory address it shouldn’t. This can lead to data loss, application crashes, and overall system instability.

Common Causes

Outdated or Corrupt Drivers

One of the primary reasons for this error is outdated or corrupt device drivers. These drivers can create conflicts within the system, leading to the error.

Hardware Issues

Faulty RAM or other hardware components can also be a contributing factor. Ensuring that hardware is functioning correctly is essential.

Software Conflicts

Conflicts between third-party software applications and system drivers can lead to the 0x000000C5 error.

Step-by-Step Solution

Step 1: Boot into Safe Mode

Start by booting your computer into Safe Mode. This mode loads only essential drivers, minimizing the chances of encountering the error during troubleshooting.

Step 2: Update Device Drivers

Ensure all your device drivers are up to date:

  • Open Device Manager
  • Locate drivers with a yellow exclamation mark
  • Right-click and choose “Update driver”
  • Follow the on-screen instructions

Step 3: Run a Memory Diagnostic

Test your RAM for errors:

  • Press Win + R and type mdsched.exe
  • Choose “Restart now and check for problems”
  • Allow the diagnostic tool to complete its process and analyze the results

Step 4: Uninstall Suspicious Software

Remove any recently installed software that may be causing conflicts:

  • Go to Control Panel
  • Navigate to “Programs and Features”
  • Find and uninstall any suspicious or redundant applications

Step 5: Perform a System Restore

If the above steps do not resolve the issue, use System Restore to revert the system to a previous stable state:

  • Press Win + S and type System Restore
  • Open the utility and follow the instructions to restore the system

Troubleshooting Tips

Check for Windows Updates

Keeping your operating system updated is crucial in avoiding such errors. Regularly check for updates and install them.

Scan for Malware

Use a reliable antivirus program to scan and eliminate potential malware threats that may cause the error.


Q1: Can I prevent the 0x000000C5 error from occurring in the future?

Yes, by keeping your drivers up to date, performing regular system maintenance, and avoiding suspicious software, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of encountering this error again.

Q2: Is it safe to use third-party driver update tools?

While some third-party tools can be helpful, it is generally safer to manually update drivers through the Device Manager or the manufacturer’s website.

Q3: How long does the memory diagnostic take?

The duration of the memory diagnostic can vary depending on the size and speed of your RAM. It could take anywhere from a few minutes to a couple of hours.


Dealing with the 0x000000C5 error can be daunting, but with these steps, you should be able to resolve it efficiently. Keeping your system in optimal condition through regular maintenance can help prevent such issues from arising. If all else fails, professional support may be required to diagnose and fix underlying hardware issues.

Remember, technology is constantly evolving, and staying updated is key to a smooth computing experience. For more tips and detailed guides, feel free to explore my other technical blog posts.

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