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How to Fix the Dreaded Error 0x80070005: Simple Steps to Resolve It Fast!

Encountering the error code 0x80070005 can be frustrating for many users. Commonly known as the “Access Denied” error, it usually signifies that your system is having trouble accessing certain files or settings. This error can occur during software updates, installation processes, or when attempting to run certain programs. In this blog post, we will provide easy-to-follow steps to resolve this error quickly and efficiently.

Understanding Error 0x80070005

Before diving into the solution, it’s important to understand the root causes of error 0x80070005. Primarily, it emerges from issues related to permissions. Here are the common scenarios:

  • Insufficient user permissions to access specific files or settings.
  • Antivirus or security software blocking access.
  • Corrupt system files or user profiles.
  • Problems with Windows Update services.

Steps to Fix Error 0x80070005

Check User Permissions

A common cause of this error is inadequate user permissions. Ensure your account has administrative rights.

  • Right-click on the application or file you are trying to access.
  • Select “Properties”.
  • Navigate to the “Security” tab and click “Advanced”.
  • Ensure your user account has “Full control”. If not, click “Change permissions” to modify.

Disable or Adjust Antivirus Software

Sometimes, antivirus software may block certain processes, leading to error 0x80070005. Here’s how to adjust it:

  • Open your antivirus or security software.
  • Navigate to the firewall or real-time protection settings.
  • Disable the security features temporarily or add exceptions for the program you are trying to run.

Use Windows Troubleshooter

Windows Troubleshooter can diagnose and fix many common issues automatically.

  • Open “Settings” and navigate to “Update & Security”.
  • Click on “Troubleshoot”.
  • Select the troubleshooter for “Windows Update” or the specific issue you are facing.
  • Run the troubleshooter and follow the on-screen instructions.

Check and Repair File Corruption

Corrupt system files can be a culprit. Utilize the built-in System File Checker (SFC) tool to repair them:

  • Open Command Prompt as an administrator.
  • Type sfc /scannow and press Enter.
  • Wait for the scan to complete and follow any prompts to repair files.

Modify Windows Update Settings

If the error occurs during a Windows Update, resetting Windows Update components can help.

  • Open Command Prompt as an administrator.
  • Type the following commands one by one, pressing Enter after each:
    • net stop wuauserv
    • net stop bits
    • net stop cryptsvc
    • Rename the SoftwareDistribution and Catroot2 folders by typing:
      • ren C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.old
      • ren C:\Windows\System32\catroot2 Catroot2.old

    • Restart the services:
      • net start wuauserv
      • net start bits
      • net start cryptsvc

  • Retry the Windows Update.

Common Troubleshooting Tips

  • Ensure all pending Windows Updates are installed.
  • Check for disk space. Insufficient space can cause update issues.
  • Reboot your system after making changes to apply updates properly.


What causes error 0x80070005?

This error is primarily caused by insufficient user permissions, security software restrictions, corrupt system files, or problems with Windows Update services.

Can I fix error 0x80070005 on my own?

Yes, you can follow the steps mentioned in this blog, such as checking user permissions, adjusting antivirus settings, using Windows Troubleshooter, repairing system files, and modifying Windows Update components to resolve the issue.

Is it safe to disable my antivirus software?

Temporarily disabling your antivirus can help identify if it is the cause of the error. However, ensure you re-enable it to continue protecting your system once the issue is resolved.


Fixing error 0x80070005 doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By following these simple, methodical steps, you can quickly identify and resolve the issue. If the problem persists, consider reaching out to professional support for more comprehensive diagnostics and solutions. Your system’s smooth functioning is just a few steps away!

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